Kshirsagar Cancer Clinic          
Head and neck cancer treatment

Head and Neck Cancer Treatment In Pune

Head and neck cancer treatment now requires a multidisciplinary approach involving a team of experts. This team typically includes a.

Breast cancer surgery in pcmc

Breast Cancer Surgery in Pcmc

Do you know what the signs of breast cancer Surgery are? Signs of breast cancer include a lump in the.


What is Cancer?

Cancer Cancer is Treatment in pcmc used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade other.

Dr Pankaj Khirsagar Clinic

स्तनाचा कर्करोग आणि आधुनिक उपचार पध्दती

स्तनाचा कर्करोग आणि आधुनिक उपचार पध्दती स्तनाचा कर्करोग आज भारतात महिलांमध्ये सर्वात जास्त प्रमाणात आढळणारा कर्करोग आहे.३० महिलांची तपासणी झाल्यास.

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